Welcome to workerprocess’s documentation!

WorkerProcess is a library that makes your day simpler by providing an easy base class for background workers.

from workerprocess import BaseWorker

class ExampleWorker(BaseWorker):

    def tick(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

The tick method will be called in an infinite loop. WorkerProcess will handle SIGTERM and SIGHUP. You can override the default SIGHUP behavior (of nothing) by adding the method sighup. startup and shutdown methods are available as well that will run before and after the loop.

WorkerProcess can also limit the number of loops per second with the max_ticks_per_second variable. This supports floating point numbers as well so .1 will run once every 10 seconds. This is mainly used for keeping the worker from going into a busy loop.

A full example:

from workerprocess import BaseWorker

class ExampleWorker(BaseWorker):

    max_ticks_per_second = 1

    def startup(self):
        print 'Starting...'

    def tick(self):
        print 'Tick!'

    def shutdown(self):
        print 'Shutting down.'

    def sighup(self):
        print 'Hanging up.'

if __name__ == '__main__':

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